
Welcome to Aging with Affirmation: A study to examine the social service experiences and needs of older transgender and gender diverse adults in Canada
In this study, our research team hopes to better understand how older transgender (trans) and gender diverse (TGD) experience social services in Canada, and what could be done to strengthen social services intended for their use. We use the term "social services" broadly to mean any formal support that addresses psychological and social well-being (including counselling/psychotherapy), as well as practical needs related to housing, food, and income security, and other social issues.
Our work is led by a trans researcher, Hannah Kia, who is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Social Work, in partnership with Egale Canada*, a national 2SLGBTQI+ advocacy organization.
Fortunately, we have heard from a range of folks across Canada, and are no longer actively recruiting participants. Thank you very much for your interest in this study.
For more information, you may contact the study’s principal investigator, Hannah Kia:
Hannah Kia
Assistant Professor
School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia
2080 West Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2
Tel: (604) 822-6073
*About Egale Canada: Egale is Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQI people and issues. We improve and save lives through research, education, awareness, and by advocating for human rights and equality in Canada and around the world. Our work helps create societies and systems that reflect the universal truth that all persons are equal and none is other. Find out more at

If you are interested in participating, there will be three steps for you to take:
First, we will need to confirm that you are eligible for the study by asking you a few questions about the study criteria we’ve listed above.
Second, you will be asked to review the study’s consent form.
Third, if you provide consent to participate, you will then be taken to a short questionnaire where you’ll be asked a few demographic questions to help us see if we can select you for participation.
You are free to stop this process at any time, and/or skip over any questions you prefer not to answer. In total, the process should take about 20 minutes of your time.
Ready to let us know more about your eligibility for the study? Click here.
Still not sure about participating? Please feel free to contact the study’s principal investigator directly:
Hannah Kia,
Assistant Professor
School of Social Work, The University of British Columbia
2080 West Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2
Tel: (604) 822-6073